Tuesday, March 4, 2008

BiG x Paul Smith Ltd. MIJ

Blue in Green SoHo, the premiere denim shop on the East Coast recently teamed up with Paul Smith Ltd. to create a run of 100 pairs of jeans. The denim is Made in Japan (MIJ) and is available now through BiG's online shop.

Info from the site:

13 ounce Japanese selvage denim
Raw - Unwashed
100% USA cotton
Pure Indigo rope dyed
Shrink to fit
Made in Japan

Limited to 100 pairs produced

Red Ear Made In Japan
designed exclusively for

Blue In Green


Paul Smith Ltd


Tonyhall89 said...

that wash is hideous

Mike Street said...

its not a wash. someone wore them raw and that's how they turned out.

Ginoboy121 said...

Hey there TP2nd...just got a LISTEN TO BARACK tee...can't wait to sport it in Center City prior to the Primary ;o) YES WE CAN!!! Great site...keep up the good work. Peace and Blessings to you and the family. ~Mrs. (Stacie)Pinto